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The eyes are an essential way of seeing the world around you. But it takes many parts to keep them healthy. At Newton Wellesley Eye Associates, we treat many eye conditions, including retina conditions.

What is the Retina?

The retina is a thin layer of tissue at the back of the eye. It lines the inner surface of your eye.

The retina has cells that are sensitive to light and transmit signals to the brain, helping you see the things around you. If the retina is not working as it should, you may develop certain conditions that affect its ability to function.

Common Retina Conditions:

At Newton Wellesley Eye Associates, these are some retina conditions we regularly treat:

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye condition that affects the macula of the eye. The macula is the central part of the retina and what allows you to see with sharp, detailed vision.

If you have age-related macular degeneration, you may experience symptoms like blurry vision or distorted central vision. Patients with age-related macular degeneration may find it more challenging to read, see the faces of friends and family, or drive.

Diabetic retinopathy is a condition that can affect people with diabetes. You may develop diabetic retinopathy if you have high blood sugar levels that are not managed.

High blood sugar levels damage the retina’s blood vessels, leading to vision loss. If you have diabetic retinopathy, you may experience symptoms like dark spots, blurry vision, difficulty seeing at night, or fluctuating vision.

A retinal tear occurs when the retina tears or separates from its position at the back of the eye. This is often a result of trauma or aging.

A retinal tear may lead to a retinal detachment if left untreated. A retinal detachment is the retina completely detaching from the back of the eye. If you have a retinal detachment, symptoms include:

  • Seeing sudden flashes of light
  • Noticing more floaters
  • Seeing a curtain-like shadow in your field of vision

If a retinal detachment is left untreated, it will lead to permanent vision loss. Retinal detachments are considered a medical emergency and require prompt treatment to avoid this.

An epiretinal membrane, also called a macular pucker, occurs when a thin layer of scar tissue forms on the retina’s surface. This thin layer of scar tissue can cause the retina to become deformed or wrinkled.

As a result, you may experience distorted central vision or blurry vision. An epiretinal membrane may also make objects seem bent or wavy.

A macular hole is a small hole that develops at the center of the macula. If you have a macular hole, it will impair your central vision.

Macular holes typically occur as a result of aging. You may notice blurry vision, dark spots on your central vision, or you find tasks requiring fine detail more challenging.

Artery and vein occlusions happen when the retina’s blood supply becomes blocked. A blockage occurs because of a blood clot (occlusion) or a narrowing of the blood vessels.

When these blockages occur, you may notice a sudden loss of vision or problems with your visual field, depending on which vessels are affected.

Macular edema refers to swelling and accumulation of fluid in the macula. If you have macular edema, you’ll have distorted and blurry vision.

Several conditions can cause macular edema, like retinal vein occlusion, inflammation in the eye, or diabetic retinopathy.

Retina Doctors

our locations

Newton Office

2000 Washington Street
Green Building Suite 462
Newton, MA 02462

Wellesley Office

60 Walnut Street
Wellesley, MA 02481

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(617) 964-1050
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(617) 964-6449
Monday-Friday: 8am-6pm
Phones are open Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm

Optical Shop (Newton office)
Monday - Friday: 8am-6pm
Closed from 12:30pm -1:15pm