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Your eyes help you see the world around you. Part of what enables you to accomplish this is the cornea. At Newton Wellesley Eye Associates, we treat many conditions, including those that affect the cornea.

What is the Cornea?

The cornea is your eye’s transparent front surface covering the iris and pupil. It helps focus light onto the retina and enables you to see clearly. However, like other parts of the eye, it can have problems and conditions that lead to vision problems.

Dry eye syndrome is an eye condition that occurs when the eyes cannot produce enough tears or the tears produced are low in quality. When you have dry eye syndrome, you may experience symptoms like dryness, watering, mucus around the eyes, irritation, eye fatigue, and other bothersome symptoms.

Fuchs’ dystrophy is a progressive eye condition that affects the endothelial layer of the cornea. It causes the cornea to become thicker, which gradually makes it lose its clarity.

In its advanced stages, a cornea specialist at Newton Wellesley Eye Associates may recommend a corneal surgery to restore the eye’s ability to see clearly.

Anterior basement membrane dystrophy (ABMD), also called map-dot-fingerprint dystrophy, is a genetic condition affecting the cornea’s epithelial layer. ABMD causes the corneal surface to be irregular, resulting in corneal erosion recurring and blurry vision. Treating the condition may include lubricating eye drops, ointments, or superficial keratectomy (SK), which helps smooth out any irregularities and help improve vision.

Keratoconus is a progressive eye condition that makes the cornea thinner, bulging out in a cone-like shape. Because of this irregular shape, patients with keratoconus experience distorted vision. Common ways of treating keratoconus include scleral lenses and corneal cross-linking or corneal transplants for advanced cases.

Pterygium is a growth that forms on the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the clear tissue that covers the white part of the eye. Pterygium often occurs due to prolonged exposure to the sun without proper protection and dry, dusty environments. 

If a pterygium causes discomfort, our cornea specialist may recommend excision to remove it and prevent it from recurring in the future.

Corneal infections, which may be fungal, bacterial, or viral, can significantly damage the cornea if not treated. These infections can occur for reasons like trauma, not correctly using contact lenses, or having a compromised immune system. 

Our cornea specialist can diagnose and treat these infections with antimicrobial medications. For severe infections, surgery may be required to avoid loss of vision

Ocular surface tumors, including corneal or conjunctival tumors, are abnormal growths that can affect the eye’s surface. These may be malignant or benign tumors requiring our cornea specialist’s care. 

Treatment varies depending on the type of tumor, its size, and location. Treatment options may include radiation, surgically excising it, cryotherapy, or chemotherapy. Treating ocular surface tumors preserves existing visual function and prevents the tumors from spreading further.

Cornea Doctors

our locations

Newton Office

2000 Washington Street
Green Building Suite 462
Newton, MA 02462

Wellesley Office

60 Walnut Street
Wellesley, MA 02481

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(617) 964-1050
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(617) 964-6449
Monday-Friday: 8am-6pm
Phones are open Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm

Optical Shop (Newton office)
Monday - Friday: 8am-6pm
Closed from 12:30pm -1:15pm